How do I reset a Users password?
If a User cannot remember their password and cannot for whatever reason use the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the User log in screen there is a handy tool built into your Administration Dashboard so that you can manually reset their password.
You can provide a one-time temporary password to the User in order for them to activate their new account. to do this you will use the ‘Reset Password’ option within your Administration Dashboard
Login to your Administration Dashboard
Go to User Management > View Users
Here you will see list of all registered users where you can find the user from the list displayed, or use a filter to locate the person you need.
Once located click on ‘Reset Password’.
This action will reset to a temporary default password for you to give to the user.
Simply pass this temporary password to your user and they can access ClickHSE, completing their verification and will be promoted to create a new password when they next login.
Tip - Ask staff to check their junk or spam folders for the activation/password reset mail.