Setup guide for new Administrators
Welcome to ClickHSE. If you are reading this then it is likely you are a new Administrator to the ClickHSE online training platform for your organisation
Our joint mission - To help ensure the health, safety, welfare and continued development of all employees by delivering engaging eLearning within an intuitive platform that delivers results
This 10 minute guide explains everything you need to know to get ClickHSE up and running in the shortest amount of time.
This quick-start guide will help you:
Learn the basics as a new platform administrator
Discover how to allocate licenses for training courses and risk assessments
Add and manage staff members user accounts
Quickly report on user activity and test results
Let’s jump straight in!
Click here or use the login button (above on the main menu) and then choose ClickHSE from the options.
You are the ClickHSE Administrator
As the main administrator for your new company training account the Admin Login screen will allow you access to lots of useful tools including your company management dashboard, settings and reports.
To login:
Use your registered email address
Use the temporary password you were given within your email confirmation.
On your first login you will be prompted to create you own secure password.
First - Understand your Dashboard
The ClickHSE company dashboard gives you a range of useful information at a glance
Some of the key information displayed on your Administration Dashboard includes:
Renewal Date: Your next ClickHSE platform renewal date
Total Courses: Shows how many courses are currently loaded into your company account
Total Documents: Shows how many documents are currently loaded into your company account
H&S Concerns: Shows any concerns raised by your staff via risk assessments
Course Completions: A summary of course completions in the last year
Progress recorded this week: A summary of course activity in the last week
License usage: Gives you a percentage indication of how many licenses you have remaining and available
Notice board: This is where we will inform you of any system updates
Tip - Some dashboard blocks are interactive, click them to quickly access useful information.
Next - Allocate your training courses
Before requesting staff to create personal user accounts you will need to setup any courses where you want ClickHSE to automatically allocate licenses to future staff members.
Allocate course licenses automatically
Go to Course Management > Allocate Course - Auto
Select the course you wish to automatically allocate
Either choose to allocate the course by:
> Location - This will show all locations within your account. Once selected all future staff registered under that Location name will be issued with a course license across your entire account.
> Department - This will show you all departments within your account. Once selected all future staff registered under that Department name will be issued with a license across your entire account.
> Entire Company - By selecting this option the selected course will be issued to all future staff in one go throughout your entire account.
> Advanced - Here you can provide a training course to a selected location and department only. (eg only users in the IT team in London)
Repeat the above steps for all courses you require ClickHSE to automatically allocate for you.
Please note that auto allocation only works for staff user accounts created after this step has been done.
Allocate course licenses manually
To allocate courses manually or to issue licenses to existing staff please use ‘Allocate Course - Manual’ feature. Click here for more information on Manual allocations.
If you don’t see a Users name listed, this means they already have an active license for that course.
Tip - Manual allocation will require staff members to have users accounts in place before this feature will work.
Next - Invite staff to setup their training accounts
Now that you have set courses to automatically allocate licenses you can invite your staff members to signup to your company account.
There are 3 ways to do this and all options can be found within the ‘User Management’ menu
1. Self Registration
This is the most popular setup feature in ClickHSE!
Using the Self Registration feature you can simply email your staff who will then setup their own user accounts within your main company account.
Simply go to Self Registration and use the ‘Copy Text’ button to paste the instructions into your own email.
Tip - Perfect for easy onboarding all staff quickly
2. Add New Users
Here you can enter in a new users details to set them up with a training account.
Once complete the user will be sent an email by ClickHSE to verify and complete their personal user account.
Tip - Perfect for occasional use.
3. Upload Bulk Users
Here you can download an excel template which can be populated with your users data.
Once the sheet is uploaded all users will have a personal user account created and ClickHSE will automatically send each person an email from to verify and complete their personal account.
Tip - Perfect for bulk use of 100+ staff.
And finally - Track your staff training progress in an instant!
Keeping an eye on your staff training progress is essential and ClickHSE make it simple.
There are a variety of powerful interactive reports at your fingertips within the ‘Reports’ menu.
The most popular to quickly track training progress is ‘Test Results’ fond in the ‘Reports’ section
Here you can easily find, sort and filter training results data by using the search bars at the top of the screen.
You can also click the column headers within the grid to sort in A-Z or Z-A order.
Tip - Prefer using Excel? Just generate your report and hit the ‘Download’ button!
Finally - Our top tips for training success!
ClickHSE is packed full of powerful features so we spoke to other successful ClickHSE Administrators to find out what they thought would be the most useful tips to give to you, here they are:
1. Don’t forget Risk Assessments
Some courses come with an interactive risk assessment, these can be issued in the same manner that training courses are. Go to ‘Risk Management’ and choose either Manual Allocation or Auto Allocation.
2. Give a deadline for any initial training courses
Our research shows that when staff are given a deadline to get their account setup and training courses completed the uptake is much higher.
3. Check H&S concerns on your dashboard
Any Health and Safety concern raised on a staff members risk assessment are instantly highlighted on your dashboard within the ‘H&S concerns’ block. Simply click the number shown and it will shortcut you straight to any concerns raised or outstanding. You can address the issue with the user and once satisfied mark it off as complete with any accompanying notes.
4. Print copy certificates with ease
ClickHSE makes certificate management easy! Simply go to User Management > View Users. Find the staff member you require and click ‘Training Card’. Here you see which courses the user has been allocated and print a copy certificate for any course completed.
5. Get a weekly email on your companies activity
Administrators can receive a weekly activity update from ClickHSE via email. To set this up go to Communication > ‘Manage Notifications’ and choose the options best suited to your needs.
6. Deactivate vs Delete
If you delete a user this will remove them instantly and permanently, deleting all of their training records from ClickHSE. Instead you can use the deactivate button, this will block their access but maintain their training records on the system. Should they return to the company you can simply reactivate them at a later date.
7. There are 2 login screen for ClickHSE so bookmark them!
To login as a user/staff member go to but to login to the Adninstration panel just go directly to
Frequently asked questions
In the first few days and weeks you are going to have lots of questions, here are the most frequently asked and please feel free to come back here at any time.
Can I update a users course score?
Yes you can. Simply go to User Management > View Users. Find the staff member required from the list and click ‘Training Card’. Here you will see the list of courses allocated to the user. Click ‘Edit’ next to the required course and update the details accordingly. This will overwrite any current score on the system and update the certificate for the user and administrator instantly.
Do my staff need a business email for signup?
No, any valid email address can be used to create user accounts including hotmail, gmail, apple and all other email addresses.
Can mobile phones be used for training courses?
Yes, although we would recommend using a computer, laptop or tablet for a great learning experience. Due to the nature of mobile connectivity course scoring issues can be encountered if using a mobile phone. If for any reason a users score is not recorded you can update it manually as described above:
How long do the training courses take?
This varies per course and depends on the users ability but most courses take around 45-60 minutes. Should a user fail a course they can retry the assessment as many times as they wish.
Congratulations. You are ready to go!
We are here to help you succeed, if you need our help just click here to raise a support ticket.
For more tips, tricks and guides visit our Help & support Centre here