Fire Safety Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Bonfire Night
Bonfire night is a time for celebration and fun, but it's important to remember to stay safe while enjoying the festivities. Every year, there are a number of injuries caused by bonfires and fireworks. Some of the most common injuries include:
Burns: Burns are one of the most common injuries caused by bonfires and fireworks. They can be very serious and may require hospital treatment.
Eye injuries: Eye injuries are also common and can be very serious. They can occur when fireworks are set off close to someone, or when they are hit in the eye by a spark.
Skin injuries: Skin injuries can also occur when fireworks or bonfires are set off close to someone. They can range from minor burns to more serious injuries like lacerations.
So to help you stay safe during bonfire night we have compiled our top 10 useful tips:
Never let children play with fireworks: Fireworks can be very dangerous and can cause serious injury if not handled properly.
Keep a close eye on children at all times: Children are often attracted to fireworks and bonfires, so it is important to keep a close eye on them at all times.
Keep pets indoors: Pets can also be injured by fireworks and should be kept indoors where they will be safe.
Don't leave burning embers unattended: Embers can easily start a fire, so make sure they are extinguished properly before leaving them unattended.
Stay well back from lit fireworks: It is important to stay well back from any lit fireworks, as they can cause serious injury if they explode close to someone.
Make sure you have a clear escape route in case of a fire.
Don't drink alcohol if you're going to be handling fireworks.
Only light fireworks in an open space, away from buildings and cars. This will help ensure that you remain safe while enjoying the fireworks.
Make sure you have a bucket of water or sand nearby in case of emergencies. This will help to put out any fires that may occur.
Do not use petrol or any other flammable liquid to light your fireworks. This can be very dangerous and can cause a fire to start very easily.
Whilst we are talking about fireworks, did you know that according to the latest figures from the NHS there were more than 100 hospital admissions of people injured by fireworks in 20/21, 21 of the 116 admissions involved children aged 14 or under, with nine aged between one and four.
If you are a business owner there may be a risk to your premises during bonfire night. Fires can easily start from lit embers landing in the rubbish or recycling bins, and if they get out of control they can quickly spread to the building.
There are a few things you we would recommended that you can do to help reduce the risk of a fire happening on your premises:
Make sure all rubbish and recycling bins are emptied and cleaned out regularly.
Keep any flammable liquids like petrol or diesel stored safely away from any potential heat sources.
Make sure there is a clear path to the nearest exit in case of a fire for anyone working during this time.
Keep any flammable materials like paper, cardboard or rubbish bins away from any heat sources.
Make sure all staff have adequate fire safety training aware of the fire safety procedures and know what to do in the event of a fire.
Whatever you may be doing please enjoy bonfire night but don't forget that home bonfires can be dangerous for a number of reasons. Firstly, they can easily start a fire if not handled properly.
Secondly, they can release large amounts of toxic smoke, which can cause serious respiratory problems.
And finally, they can also cause injuries if people are not careful. So if you are thinking about having a bonfire at home, please take the necessary precautions to stay safe.
Or just wrap up warm and head off to your nearest professionally organised display instead.