New custom eLearning course developed for Aon Plc
AT&F Solutions are excited to announce the launch of a custom new training module designed and developed on behalf of Aon Plc into the Irish healthcare sector to support some 25,000 healthcare workers to better deal with behaviours that challenge.
The course has been designed to inform and empower nurses, healthcare assistants and allied health professionals to respond effectively to clients showing signs of distressed behaviour.
The course provides a clear understanding of behaviours that challenge “BTC’ and concentrates on the complex and various origins and causes linked to the most common types of BTC.
There is a clear objective which is to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and attitude to better respond to persons with BTC within this working environment. The module covers several sections providing staff with the tools and resources to assist them during their working day complete with scenario-based videos.
The course will be a great resource for nurses, healthcare assistants, and healthcare professionals who wish to develop and maintain their skills in responding compassionately and effectively in all situations that involve BTC.
Looking for custom eLearning development? Contact us today